GOMIS VAN HETEREN, ANNETTE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERIA Ref. 9788482400839 Altres llibres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres llibres del mateix autor
    In this book the recent phenomenon of political correctness or PC is studied in the American context in which it arose with a brief section devoted to its British press coverage. The author examines the question from the point of view of an outsider and one who moreover lives in continental Europe, ...
    Dimensions: 220 x 140 x 10 cm Peso: 240 gr
    Sense estoc - El demanem a l'editor (de 3 a 7 dies)
    9,02 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN / EAN : 978-84-8240-083-9
    • Encuadernació : RÚSTICA
    • Data d'edició : 31/12/1997
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Idioma : ANGLÈS
    • Número de pàgines : 159
    • NumeroColeccion : 09
    In this book the recent phenomenon of political correctness or PC is studied in the American context in which it arose with a brief section devoted to its British press coverage. The author examines the question from the point of view of an outsider and one who moreover lives in continental Europe, and consequently her perspective aims to be as far-reaching as possible, in contrast to most of the studies of PC so far. The scope of the book discusses the background of PC and manifestations of the different aspects that make up the so-called PC debate, only one of which is the canon debate.
    Annette Gomis has an Honours degree in Modern Languages from Trinity College Dublin, and a degree in Modern Languages from the University or Valencia. She also has an MSc. in Theaching English from the University of Aston and a Ph.D.in English from the University of Granada. She is currently a member of the Dpeartment of French, English and German at the University of Almería.

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